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Intent-Based Leadership
Intent-based leadership framework was established by a former submarine captain David Marquet in the early 21st century and popularized with the publication of his book “Turn the Ship Around!” in 2012. Drawing from his experience as a U.S. Navy captain, Marquet realized the importance of empowerment, clear communication, and a culture of collaboration and learning in maximizing organizational success, leading to the development of intent-based leadership — a management philosophy that focuses on empowering individuals to make decisions aligned with organizational goals and objectives.
Key principles:
· Intent: Leaders communicate the overarching goals and objectives to their employees, providing clarity on the organization’s purpose and desired outcomes.
· Control: Rather than micromanaging and controlling every aspect of their employees’ work, leaders relinquish control and trust people to make decisions autonomously and act in alignment with the organization’s intent.
· Leadership at all levels: The philosophy rejects the notion that leadership is only for a selected few at the top since there are leaders at every level in highly effective organizations.
· Learning and collaboration: Leaders promote a culture of continuous learning and effective collaboration. Collaborative learning occurs…