3D Agile Leader Model — Value Creator: Transversal Management

Maggie Sun
5 min readMar 24, 2023

In 3D Agile Leader Model, the three dimensions required of a “solid” agile leader — Servant Leader, Value Creator, and Intrapreneur — are the three critical roles a manager must assume in order to become an agile leader. Each dimension comprises three themes. The second dimension is Value Creator, and Transversal Management is the third theme of this dimension.

In essence, Transversal Management requires an agile leader to espouse system thinking — to view his organization from a broad perspective and think of the organization as a system made of interrelated and dynamic parts that interact continuously with each other. It is these mutually dependent parts’ efficient collaboration that makes the whole organization not only function properly but be able to thrive in a VUCA world.

Complex Adaptive System

In order to maximize value delivery, a value creator has to grasp the idea that an organization is a complex adaptive system in which value flows from one part to another organically. Other typical examples of such system include our brain, social networks, starling murmurations, and so on.



Maggie Sun

MBA, certified agile coach and experienced strategy analyst, specializing in business agility, agile leadership, Beyond Budgeting, and general management.